"> http://wanneyyhhcineyhh.blogspot.com
Thursday, December 31, 2009

ohlaaa !
yeah babes...12 midnight will the year will chage from 2009 to 2010..
foo..2009 is over ! so new year new lifee okayy ?!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

heheh...bergaye dokk ako..ahah

holaa earthlinks...
yesterdayy i went tuuh watch Alvin and the chipmunks 2...
hmm the storyy nott bad laa..butt i preffer Alvin and the chipmunks..
i watch the movie at Bugis..shaw cineplex..
guest whatt..me and wanie get to took pictures with them..aww..so kiuutt !
tuhh katt atas tuuh..nmpkk kann..
hmm ntg much tuuh sayy..
Thursday, December 24, 2009
hmm..penatt gilerhh dokss..aruu alekk umarhh...
tadyhh gyh Bugis street lii benderhh...
aderhh laa...
hmm...bangun tdo kol 7.30A.M cheyy..
gudd gerll..arr..ahah...
gud gerll kehaperhh
gyh skolahh///blahhblahhblahh
tros gyhh umarhh nenekk..blahhblahhblahh..
beyhh gyhh Bugis..
kiwakk penatt shiyoll !
youu tinkk what i'm a robott ?!
no wayy man !
dun tink there's muchh tuuhh sayy..
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
olaa Earthlinks...
nothing tuuh seyy muchh laar..
lastt saturday my "kakak sedare" frm malaysia came tuuh S'pore
hmmm this friday derhh dh nkk alekk..
skejapp jerhh...extend arr extend..haha cheyy cm phmm..
juz know she came tuuh my house tuuh use comp tuuh check smtg..
thenn after that balekk arr..ahah..she stayy at my grndma house...
aha ! btw tadyhh tkk gyhh skull..ahaah...
bagunn lmbt dokk..11+ tkkn nkk p kann..
tarian start kol 10 abes kol 12...
btw dgr2 budakk sec1 semerhh tkk dtg except ferr
leena...ahah..yg laenn sec2...biarhh betekk..
ahah...hmm..besokk kenerhh p skull..
aderhh cheerleading..ahah
ako masokk cheerleading ?!! biarhh btoll..
ahah..youu all mustt be thinkin of thatt toll tkk..
mestii btoll laar tkkn nkk bedekk kann...wt perhh nkk bedekk tkk dapatt paperhh ponn..
soo otakk blankk...
wannyy says gudbye..adios..ahah
Saturday, December 19, 2009
ahah..penatt gylerhh siotts...hmm..whole day at bedok reservoir gott wedding..
besokk ponn aderhh lagykk...hmm..naseb2...nieyhh ponn dh bleyhh tahan nantokk..
lagyhhponn dah kol 2:49 A.M dokk aperhh tkk nyerhh...
boleyh.boleyh leerrr..today still at xiaaoo's house at woodlands..
ahah...entarhh mayb naryhh alekk kott..p cm malass gytuhh aye...
gerekk perr tdo cyny..hhah...kecohh dows !
hmm..kaeyhh larss...nothing tuuhh sayy...


Friday, December 18, 2009
It's ony aboutt . weaks tuuhh school reopenn ?!! whatt the heckk !
how good if i have my own special powers and i can make the days turn slow...o have nott evenn boughtt the schools books yett ! Oh Goshh ! For the sake of me,can youu extend the holidays...hahah...As if i could...it will just be a dream that won't come thruu ! rite ?!! so i dun tink there's much tuuh say...
buhbye !

hahah...yeah..yesterday i went tuuh watch moviee ! AVATAR ! gerekk ... woohoo...tkk leyhh angkatt dow !
hmm..like wanna watch it again .// hmm...i went tuuh watch movie with my aunty,uncle.dear cuzzy Xiaao & her friend,Faraa..her friend so friendlyy siaa ! tkk pasal tadyhh aruh ako kenall dierhh..ahah...gerekk2...
Foolerrmakk ! After the movie we went tuuhh the toilett beyhh SS larrhh..ehehehh..phm2kann je laar...hahah..nmpkk kann gambarhh2 yg ktt atass tuuhh...
kaeyhh laarr..tc(=
no more tuuh explain let's the picture do the talking aitess...

Saturday, December 12, 2009
sorri ferr not updating this bloggeyh ferr about 2 days cozz i'm sick.i got high fever..what a sad thing...:( hmm...as i don't even have any event to attend..so what can i say is : it's super duper bored staying at home doing noting...hmm...okaeyh tenn...otakk dh blankk urhhss...
    Tc(= wanneyhh cineyhh says gudbyee
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Before i forgett...

                            Heyy ! Above are the pictures of me & my dear cuzzy , xiaaoo..                                 Actually it was about howmany weaks ago when my niece birthday party at Pasir Ris Aloha Chalet...hmm it was quite fun it was 3 days 2 nites but i just slept for a day as the third day i need to go to school..what a day it was...hmm..neyhmind...so now..i don't think i have much tuuh say so bye !
tc(= wanneyyhh cineyhh

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
hello world !

hey peeps..
today i have nott much things to post..
around 12+ in the afternoon..i went to the TM & also T1 with 3 other friends that is yana,farhana and also shafikah..haha it's quite fun..we didn't buy anything btw..but we're just looking for some dress or shirts that we can buyy on the other days and also shorts ferr the chearleading performance on the 9th of june next year.....hmm.hahah.yana & farhana tried some dress & also nice leader jacket..u guest what's the price ?!! the leader jacket is about $50+ and the dress is about $30+ i guest so..ahah..quite forgetfull..blahblahblah i went home at aboutt 2+.hmm...okaeyh tenn .i don't think i have any more things to talk about..
tc(=  wanneyyhh cineyhh